Regular Prices for 3D Virtual Tour Models
Up to 1500 sq ft = $200
1500 - 2000 sq ft = $250
2000 -3000 sq ft = $300
3000 - 4000 sq ft = $350
4000 - 5000 sq ft = $400
5000 - 6000 sq ft = $450
Hosting for your 3D models are free for a year .
Each additional year is $50.00 per year per model. Bulk pricing available, ask for details.
Prices are subject to change at anytime. More than 2 stories or excessive stairs could result in an additional charge. Tours are non transferable, transfer fees may apply.
Would you like to have technical drawing floor plan like this one? Just add $36 to the price of your 3D Virtual Tour and we will provide you with a floor plan drawing like the one below.
Call now for more information and
to schedule an appointment
541-536-4092 or 541-977-2611